business management

Top Data Room Software for Corporations and Law Firms

Law firms and other public or private institutions have a big problem with secure document storage. Before technology development, they used physical storage, but this method often had weaknesses and could lead to data leaks. With the advent of the internet, companies have moved to online storage, and virtual data rooms are now one of the best ways to store and share data. This article will look at exactly how VDRs can help law firms and which VDR providers are best suited for this mission.

Why should law firms use a virtual data room?

Virtual data rooms are trusted online spaces that have their security validated by an international security certificate, unlike other online repositories. The main goal of VDR providers is to provide their customers with security, which is why they use multiple layers of protection. They also offer other benefits guaranteed to make your work easier and more efficient.

  • VDR is a tremendous remote work tool

Since the beginning of Covid-19, people have had to adjust to the new remote working environment quickly, and it was important not to lose the productivity they once had. Virtual data rooms have been a great way out for many firms, including law firms. They offer easy access to the system from any device, allowing you to perform your duties even on the go. With VDRs, an administrator can remotely authorize and revoke access to documents and assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress.

  • Secure document sharing

Much of the data in law firms is highly confidential, and the main problem here is that firm employees sometimes need to share this information with clients, employees, or outside parties. VDRs use encryption techniques to protect data from outside threats during the transfer or storage of information. Also, they provide watermarking features, detailed access permissions, and self-destructing documents. More and more virtual data room software also offers a fence view, protecting your devices’ cameras from intruders.

  • VDR saves time

Employees in law firms are constantly processing large volumes of documents. It’s exhausting, especially if the document management system is poorly set up. In addition, it takes too much time for workers to access and search for documents, but data rooms have changed that.

With it, lawyers can access the documents they need 24/7, and with intelligent search, you can find the file you need by entering just one or a few keywords. In addition, thanks to automated downloading, conversion, and indexing features, downloading and shaping your document system also takes less time.

Best VDR providers for law firms

There are many VDR options on the market for the legal industry, but below we’ve highlighted the best data rooms for lawyers:

  • Netfiles VDR – Its main advantage to law firms is that it provides secure access to the system for everyone in the space, no matter where they are. Also, the system has advanced version control of documents so that you can guarantee other users only up-to-date information
  • Imprima VDR is a highly reliable provider that provides up to 99.9% space uptime. The space reliably protects your data and provides security assurance as it uses 24/7 backup and disaster recovery logs
  • Onehub VDR – offers the distinction of collaborative remote working. Both sides of the transaction can effectively work on the same document simultaneously. Secure your susceptible data with a watermark feature